Tune Up YOUR LinkedIn

LinkedIn isn't just a tool, it's your ticket to career stardom: 9 Top Tips for a LinkedIn Profile fit for a King, Queen or anyone inbetween to give their profile a huge boost


3/23/20244 min read

Tune Up YOUR LinkedIn

LinkedIn, launched in 2003, is a digital playground where professionals can meet, mingle, and make magic happen in the career realm. From its humble beginnings, LinkedIn skyrocketed to become the go-to platform for networking ninjas and career champions.

So, why is LinkedIn the bee's knees of professional networking? Well, imagine a virtual Rolodex on steroids, where your profile isn't just a resume but a spotlight showcasing your talents, skills, and achievements. It's like strutting your stuff on a digital red carpet, where recruiters, employers, and industry bigwigs can't help but take notice.

But wait, there's more! LinkedIn isn't just about landing your dream job (although it's pretty darn good at that). It's also a treasure trove of career wisdom, with job postings galore, company insights, and industry gossip (the good kind). Want to brush up on the latest trends or connect with like-minded professionals? LinkedIn's got you covered with groups, influencers, and juicy discussions that'll make you the star of the virtual water cooler.

And let's remember the fun factor. Who said networking had to be boring? With LinkedIn, you can spice up your profile with eye-catching visuals, share your thoughts with witty posts, and showcase your creative side with videos and articles. For the savvy professional, it's like social media, where networking feels less like work and more like a digital adventure.

In summary, LinkedIn isn't just a tool—it's your ticket to career stardom. So polish up your profile, put on your networking hat, and get ready to dazzle the digital world. With LinkedIn by your side, the sky's the limit!

9 Top Tips for LinkedIn

1. Rock Your Headline: Your headline is your chance to shine! Think of it as your personal tagline—make it catchy, unique, and totally you. Show off your skills and personality in a way that makes people want to click and learn more.

2. Strike a Pose: Your profile picture is your digital first impression, so make it count! Choose a photo that reflects your professional style while showing off your fabulous personality. Smile, strike a pose, and let your confidence shine through!

3. Tell Your Story: Your summary is like the opening act of your career journey. Make it exciting, engaging, and full of personality. Share your passions, achievements, and dreams in a way that makes people say, "Wow, I need to know more about this person!"

4. Show Off Your Superpowers: Use the experience section to showcase your superhero feats and triumphs. Use bullet points to make it easy to read and sprinkle in some action-packed stories that highlight your skills and accomplishments. This is great opportunity to highlight your Realised and Unrealised Strengths!

5. Keyword Magic: Sprinkle some magic keywords throughout your profile to unlock hidden opportunities! They are secret codes that help recruiters and employers find you faster. Who knew job searching could be this fun?

6. Skill Showcase: Show off your skills like a boss! Add your top skills and watch those endorsements roll in. It's like collecting virtual high-fives from colleagues who know you're a rock star in your field.

7. Media Marvels: Bring your profile to life with multimedia magic! Add photos, videos, and documents that showcase your work and talents. It's like creating your own mini digital portfolio—talk about impressing your audience!

8. Rave Reviews: Get ready for the spotlight with glowing recommendations from colleagues and clients. It's like receiving standing ovations for your professional prowess. Who wouldn't want a piece of that?

9. Engage and Connect: Dive into the LinkedIn party and mingle with fellow professionals. Share updates, join conversations, and make meaningful connections. It's networking with a side of fun—because who said career growth couldn't be enjoyable?

If you use these fun and fabulous tips, your LinkedIn profile will be the life of the digital party, attracting attention, opportunities, and connections that elevate your career to new heights!

Did you know that you can customise your LinkedIn URL

Here, we randomly search for a name and find that this particular 'Karen' has an auto-generated URL. This URL doesn’t look lovely on resumes or is particularly slick when someone visits their profile. (Karen, if you ever see this, it really was a random name search 🙃)

Did you know your can customise your LinkedIn URL?
Did you know your can customise your LinkedIn URL?

Go to your profile, see here for James’, and on the right side, you can easily edit the public profile and URL.

  • Remember that most people will be viewing your profile on a smartphone when choosing your background image. Any text or logos should be to the right-hand side, and keep it clean—too much information here makes it difficult for visitors to enjoy your profile.

  • You can use a tool like Canva to tidy up photos and remove the background - making everything look clean.

How to customise your LinkedIn Profile
How to customise your LinkedIn Profile

Useful Links:

LinkedIn (it’s not perfect, but I like to think it’s a decent example of a strong profile)

More support

If you need help optimising your profile, feel free to book a session with James. We can screen share and build your profile in real-time.

During this session and in the 14 days that follow, HiR will also help you tidy up profile pictures and create background images if you need help with those tasks. We will also write or edit copy to build your profile until you are 100% satisfied.

Book a Coaching Session